Barry Sheppard

Data Analysis

View more on GitHub barrysheppard

Welcome to my GitHub Pages.

This is where I'll be keeping details of some of the projects I've worked on.

Insect Disgust Study

This study was part of my undergraduate degree in Psychology. Although the original thesis was completed with SPSS I recompleted the analysis using R and have also produce a few more interesting charts. This was published as a journal article

  1. Descriptives
  2. Descriptives charts
  3. Analysis Frequentist
  4. Analysis Bayesian
  5. Analysis Bayesian using JASP program

Kids Food and Facebook Study

This study was completed as part of my Msc in Psychology. R files are up on Github. Data was cleaned using R with analysis completed using ANOVAs and GLM analysis.

Legend of the Five Rings

This customisable card game has players representing different factions facing off against each other. As a player myself I have an interest in seeing which clan are doing the best. Using R I've produded a number of scripts to prepare tournament lists and win percentages. These scripts were used to prepare image for articles discussing the game.