This document provides a breakdown of the statistical analysis from a research study.
Below loads the raw data file into the system and outputs the file list of headers in the data set.
# Import dataset
dat <- read.csv("DisgustData.csv")
# Return the names of the datset
## [1] "Id"
## [2] "Start.Date"
## [3] "Submit.Date"
## [4] "IP"
## [5] "Please.type.your.age"
## [6] ""
## [7] ""
## [8] ""
## [9] ""
## [10] ""
## [11] ""
## [12] ""
## [13] ""
## [14] ""
## [15] ""
## [16] ""
## [17] ""
## [18] ""
## [19] ""
## [20] ""
## [21] ""
## [22] ""
## [23] ""
## [24] ""
## [25] ""
## [26] ""
## [27] ""
## [28] ""
## [29] ""
## [30] ""
## [31] ""
## [32] ""
## [33] ""
## [34] "Additional.comments.please"
## [35] "Debrief"
Next up the headers of the dataset are renamed to make things a little easier.
# Recoding the data for use
# Shorten some of the names
names(dat)[5] <- "Age"
names(dat)[6] <- "Sex"
names(dat)[7] <- "RWA01"
names(dat)[8] <- "RWA02"
names(dat)[9] <- "RWA03"
names(dat)[10] <- "RWA04"
names(dat)[11] <- "RWA05"
names(dat)[12] <- "RWA06"
names(dat)[13] <- "RWA07"
names(dat)[14] <- "RWA08"
names(dat)[15] <- "RWA09"
names(dat)[16] <- "RWA10"
names(dat)[17] <- "RWA11"
names(dat)[18] <- "RWA12"
names(dat)[19] <- "RWA13"
names(dat)[20] <- "RWA14"
names(dat)[21] <- "RWA15"
names(dat)[22] <- "RWA16"
names(dat)[23] <- "RWA17"
names(dat)[24] <- "RWA18"
names(dat)[25] <- "RWA19"
names(dat)[26] <- "RWA20"
names(dat)[27] <- "RWA21"
names(dat)[28] <- "RWA22"
names(dat)[29] <- "BeforeCricket"
names(dat)[30] <- "BeforeCricketBar"
names(dat)[31] <- "Group"
names(dat)[32] <- "AfterCricketBar"
names(dat)[33] <- "AfterCricket"
names(dat)[34] <- "Comments"
The Right Wing Authoritarianism scale still needs to be calculated.
We also need to calculate the changes in rating for the food types and add these to the dataset.
# Function to change the Likert results from the long form to a number
likert_to_number <- function(x){
x <- revalue(x, c("-4 You very strongly disagree with the statement."="-4",
"-3 You strongly disagree with the statement. "="-3",
"-2 You moderately disagree with the statement."="-2",
"-1 You slightly disagree with the statement."="-1",
"0 You feel exactly and precisely neutral about an item."="0",
"+1 You slightly agree with the statement. "="1",
"+2 You moderately agree with the statement."="2",
"+3 You strongly agree with the statement. "="3",
"+4 You very strongly agree with the statement."="4"
) )
dat$RWA01 <- likert_to_number(dat$RWA01)
dat$RWA02 <- likert_to_number(dat$RWA02)
dat$RWA03 <- likert_to_number(dat$RWA03)
dat$RWA04 <- likert_to_number(dat$RWA04)
dat$RWA05 <- likert_to_number(dat$RWA05)
dat$RWA06 <- likert_to_number(dat$RWA06)
dat$RWA07 <- likert_to_number(dat$RWA07)
dat$RWA08 <- likert_to_number(dat$RWA08)
dat$RWA09 <- likert_to_number(dat$RWA09)
dat$RWA10 <- likert_to_number(dat$RWA10)
dat$RWA11 <- likert_to_number(dat$RWA11)
dat$RWA12 <- likert_to_number(dat$RWA12)
dat$RWA13 <- likert_to_number(dat$RWA13)
dat$RWA14 <- likert_to_number(dat$RWA14)
dat$RWA15 <- likert_to_number(dat$RWA15)
dat$RWA16 <- likert_to_number(dat$RWA16)
dat$RWA17 <- likert_to_number(dat$RWA17)
dat$RWA18 <- likert_to_number(dat$RWA18)
dat$RWA19 <- likert_to_number(dat$RWA19)
## The following `from` values were not present in `x`: +4 You very strongly agree with the statement.
dat$RWA20 <- likert_to_number(dat$RWA20)
dat$RWA21 <- likert_to_number(dat$RWA21)
dat$RWA22 <- likert_to_number(dat$RWA22)
# Next lets score the RWA results
# Scores go from 20 to 180
# Question 1 and 2 are test questions and not used
# Positive scores are 3, 5, 7, 10, 12, 14, 16, 17, 19 and 22
# Add all the positive scores and add 50
# The remainder are reversed questions, we could recode but its easier to do the following
# Start with 50 and substract the total of the negative scores
dat$RWAscore <- 100 + as.numeric(as.character(dat$RWA03)) + as.numeric(as.character(dat$RWA05)) +
as.numeric(as.character(dat$RWA07)) + as.numeric(as.character(dat$RWA10)) + as.numeric(as.character(dat$RWA12)) +
as.numeric(as.character(dat$RWA14)) + as.numeric(as.character(dat$RWA16)) + as.numeric(as.character(dat$RWA17)) +
as.numeric(as.character(dat$RWA19)) + as.numeric(as.character(dat$RWA22)) - as.numeric(as.character(dat$RWA04)) -
as.numeric(as.character(dat$RWA06)) - as.numeric(as.character(dat$RWA08)) - as.numeric(as.character(dat$RWA09)) -
as.numeric(as.character(dat$RWA11)) - as.numeric(as.character(dat$RWA13)) - as.numeric(as.character(dat$RWA15)) -
as.numeric(as.character(dat$RWA18)) - as.numeric(as.character(dat$RWA20)) - as.numeric(as.character(dat$RWA21))
# Calculate the changes in rating
dat$CricketChange <- dat$AfterCricket - dat$BeforeCricket
dat$BarChange <- dat$AfterCricketBar - dat$BeforeCricket
# Return the updated names of the dataset
## [1] "Id" "Start.Date" "Submit.Date"
## [4] "IP" "Age" "Sex"
## [7] "RWA01" "RWA02" "RWA03"
## [10] "RWA04" "RWA05" "RWA06"
## [13] "RWA07" "RWA08" "RWA09"
## [16] "RWA10" "RWA11" "RWA12"
## [19] "RWA13" "RWA14" "RWA15"
## [22] "RWA16" "RWA17" "RWA18"
## [25] "RWA19" "RWA20" "RWA21"
## [28] "RWA22" "BeforeCricket" "BeforeCricketBar"
## [31] "Group" "AfterCricketBar" "AfterCricket"
## [34] "Comments" "Debrief" "RWAscore"
## [37] "CricketChange" "BarChange"
Some basic descriptive info on the data in numbers
## vars n mean sd median trimmed mad min max range skew kurtosis
## 1 1 352 35.24 11.82 34 34.41 13.34 18 68 50 0.52 -0.35
## se
## 1 0.63
## vars n mean sd median trimmed mad min max range skew kurtosis se
## 1 1 352 5.44 3.35 6 5.42 4.45 1 10 9 -0.03 -1.49 0.18
## vars n mean sd median trimmed mad min max range skew kurtosis se
## 1 1 352 6.86 3.07 8 7.18 2.97 1 10 9 -0.61 -1 0.16
## vars n mean sd median trimmed mad min max range skew kurtosis se
## 1 1 352 5.64 3.4 6 5.67 4.45 1 10 9 -0.12 -1.51 0.18
## vars n mean sd median trimmed mad min max range skew kurtosis se
## 1 1 352 7.33 3 8 7.76 2.97 1 10 9 -0.88 -0.57 0.16
## vars n mean sd median trimmed mad min max range skew kurtosis
## 1 1 352 48.12 20.36 44 45.46 15.57 20 134 114 1.46 2.68
## se
## 1 1.09
## vars n mean sd median trimmed mad min max range skew kurtosis se
## 1 1 352 0.2 0.93 0 0.12 0 -5 6 11 0.94 13.37 0.05
## vars n mean sd median trimmed mad min max range skew kurtosis se
## 1 1 352 1.89 2.21 1 1.63 1.48 -5 9 14 0.92 0.75 0.12
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